Sunday, February 25, 2007


Black Macbook Fund

Those of you out there with an observant nature have probably noticed the equivalent of an old hat on the sidewalk has been added to the left column disguised as "Macbook Fund". It's quite simple really; I've noticed a lot of other blogs and websites out there have been begging for donations, so I figured why not me? I provide a service too, right? Okay, maybe not, but you have to admit I am pretty cool... no? Well, maybe you feel sorry for me then. At any rate, I think the button speaks for itself. I'm looking for donations to get myself a Black Macbook. That is all. Unboxing pictures (along with "thank you's" to all who donated) will be provided in the miraculous case I actually make my goal and get a 'book.

Other than your pity, I really can't offer you anything else. If you're a website and want to be mentioned here, I will readily admit that I'm for sale. Donate, and you'll get a shout-out. Heck, if I like your site, I might even say nice things about you while I'm at it.