Tuesday, May 17, 2005

New Direction

Starting today, I'm planning on moving this blog in a somewhat different direction. No, that's probably not entirely accurate. I still plan on talking a lot about golf here. It's just that I would like to be able to incorporate some of my other interests, as well as the occasional post about my life in general. In short, I'm going to be talking about whatever the heck floats my boat at any given time.
That was actually the intention when I started this thing a little less than a year ago, but before I knew it, I was focusing mostly on golf. I guess I was taken in by the title "Rub Of The Green", but in fact, as I alluded to in my first post ever, just because it's a golf term, doesn't mean it has to be ONLY a golf term.
I'm working right now on an acceptable way to implement categories into this blog, to give it a little bit of organization when I do start talking about anything and everything. I've been working on a couple of methods over the past couple of weeks, but nothing satisfies me so far. So I guess for the time being I'll be throwing everything together in a big hodgepodge of tech, golf, life and... golf.
Stay tuned...