Friday, July 15, 2005

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

I remember several years back, back when Phil Mickelson was still the Best Player Yet To Win A Major, I asked a friend if he would rather have that title with, say 20 wins, or would he rather have the title of Best Player ONLY To Win A Major. He chose the latter.

I'm not sure I agree. I guess I wouldn't refuse either one, but given the choice, I think I'd go with the 20 wins. I mean, in 30 years, who thinks Ben Curtis will be remembered any better than Sergio Garcia if Ben doesn't get another win and Sergio never gets his Major?

I'm pretty sure Ben is a frequent visitor to this blog, so I hope he doesn't get mad about this post. I don't mean anything by it. He just came to mind because of the British Open being played this week. I personally hope Ben gets his 20 wins to go along with his British Open title.

Oh, and I hope Sergio gets his Major title, too.