Friday, September 16, 2005

Much Love To The Fox

I love Firefox. I think it is teh shiz, if you know what I mean. One of it's greatest assets is the many extensions that it offers. I remember reading an article a while back which stated that Opera was better, because most of Firefox's essential extensions were just automatically built into Opera from the get go. Opera may indeed be better. I can't say because I haven't ever used it, but in my opinion the sheer barebonesedness (I know, not a word) of Firefox is what makes it so great. Some of the "essential" extensions listed in the article that I read are not ones that are essential to me. I don't want someone else deciding for me what extensions, or features, I need in a browser.

That being said, you need these two extensions: Save Link in Folder and Save Image in Folder. They are essential.