Wednesday, December 28, 2005


AllPeers for Firefox

So apparently someone is working on what will essentially be a P2P Firefox extension called AllPeers. At first glance, it looks like a nice little tool and I'm sure I'll be giving it a test drive once it comes out. I have to admit though, while I enjoy all the great Firefox extensions out there, and this one seems to be right up there with the best of them, I'm afraid the "peers" or "P2P" monikor will end up sullying Firefox's name to those out there not in the know. It doesn't help that apparently AllPeers will have a bittorrent client built into it.

Firefox has been slowly gaining on IE in terms of popularity. Folks are finally beginning to realize that it helps cut down on spyware and is just an overall better browser. I would hate to see it's popularity diminished because the uninformed masses start thinking of it as the next Napster or Kazaa.


Performancing For Firefox

I have been looking for a good, simple blogging tool for a long while now. Blogger's editor is fine, but sometimes it's a pain to have to go login to the site in order to add in something. I'm currenty working with a Firefox extension called Performancing For Firefox, and it might just be what I have been looking for. It's got a nice, simple looking interface, and I guess we'll see how it looks one I post to this page. I have used similar tools in the past, and they have always left something or another to be desired. If this works... well, I'll be happy.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Local Boy Makes Good

OK, so John Holmes isn't exactly a local, but he is from my home state of Kentucky, so it was great to see him dominate in Q-School this past week. I think he's got a bright future ahead of him. I was also glad to see Bill Haas get his card, although he seemed to have tried really hard to not get it.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Winter Rules

With winter upon us, I thought I would be interesting to talk a little bit about what most golfers like to call "winter rules". As most of us know, the terms winter rules refers to being allowed to improve your lie in less than optimum conditions, mostly brought on by winter weather. Barren areas of the fairway are what we mostly see, and it's reasonable to assume that one might be able to improve his lie if he ends up in one of these areas.

Personally, I don't like to play by winter rules, but if I'm in a group that is recognizing winter rules, I am perfectly willing to take every advantage I am allowed. I like to go by the concept of "fair for one, fair for all", meaning basically that anyone can have bad luck, anyone can have good luck, no matter what the season. I don't get any breaks for landing in a divot in the summer, so why should I get one for landing in a bare spot in the winter? I do make an exception to this line of thinking, however, in that if a person or his equipment might be injured or damaged because of a certain shot (tree root, rock, etc.), I am perfectly willing to let them improve their lie. I don't follow this rule just because of the season. I will do this any time of year.

Here's a great article explaining what a lot of us probably don't know about winter rules.