Monday, February 06, 2006

Holmes Wins FBR

As a Kentuckian, it was great to see J.B. Holmes win the FBR Open this week. I have to admit that I haven't been following his career as much as I should. My boss and I almost went to the Southern Farm Bureau last year just to see J.B. play, but it's a pretty long trip and we ended up not being able to make it. At the time, I barely knew who he was, if at all. I just hope that he will be able to deal with his new success and recognition and take it all in stride. I wouldn't be surprised if his phone is ringing off the hook today with supposed swing gurus calling to tell him they can "fix" his swing. Just because he can stripe it down the middle 350 yards doesn't mean anything, because you know, his swing doesn't look like Adam Scott's.