Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dvorak Was Right

Once again, it looks like famous curmudgeon and whipping boy of most of the western tech world, John C. Dvorak was right. Digg is being gamed and it's not even big time gaming. It's gaming that doesn't even matter. It's just so some dude in East Philly can go to bed at night knowing he's one of the coveted 'Top 100' on the site. What happens when, as Dvorak mentions, someone with an agenda tries to game the system to get one of their stories promoted to the all important front page? It can be done. The Digg Powers That Be (DPTB) have admitted that they are contstantly having to tweak the secret algorithm that says whether a story is promoted or not.

Kudos to them for doing what they can to keep Digg as democratic as they can, but the fact remains that as long as there is someone out there who wants to use a site or an idea like Digg to their advantage, they will eventually figure out a way to do it. Right now it doesn't really matter. The gaming taking place is apparently all about ego at this point. But some day, it will be about more than that, and that's when the Digg crew will have a real problem on their hands.