Wednesday, January 10, 2007

For the past couple of years I have been working on this blog in an attempt to combine my love of technology with my love for the game of golf. While I think I've done a pretty decent job, I have always felt it was a little off, that tech and golf wasn't a good combination. Sure, golf technology is at an all-time high, what with new drivers, computer programs, GPS and all that. But my combining of the two into one blog has been more primitive... in other words, if I wanted to talk about my new Mac Mini in one post and have the entire diatribe relate in no way to golf, I did it. And vice versa. I might talk extensively about how I needed to clear my hips on the downswing, and it would have nothing to do with the newest MP3 player to hit the market.

So it didn't make sense to me, and as a result I have decided to create this latest blog and finally separate the two. So now we have Tech.rub and Rub of the Green. Tech.rub will focus on technology, and Rub of the Green will focus on golf and my hopeless pursuit of becoming a scratch golfer.

All of my previous tech-related posts will remain at Rub of the Green, as I have no desire to move them all, and being tech, they're all probably outdated anyway. But going forward, tech is there, golf is here.

And that's all I've got to say about that.