How about that guy, huh? Jim Furyk is out of the game for about 3 months with wrist surgery, comes back to defend his U.S. Open crown, makes the cut, has had 2 top 10's in 4 events since, and is currently tied for 5th place after the first round of the WGC-NEC Invitational. This guy is a horse, and for all the naysayers who say that an unconventional swing can't hold up at the highest levels, I say BALDERDASH!!
Who's to say what the perfect swing is anyway? We're all individuals, and we all have a unique, natural golf swing. You see it all the time on tour. Someone wins a big tournament, like a major, and they subsequently go into a 2 year slump because they start tinkering with their swing to try to get more "on plane" or whatever. They try to fight nature because (I guess) they feel that a major winner should have a swing that looks more like Tiger's. Maybe we should all quit worrying about that elusive "perfect swing plane" and just go with the swing that the Big Man gave us.
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