Wednesday, August 18, 2004

The Sorta 7

Just discovered this great blog called 'SortaGolf'. Everyone else probably already knows about this great site as I'm usually the last one off the boat on this 'sorta' thing, but it deserves a mention anyway. Although I, for the most part, try to follow the rules of golf to the best of my ability, I can't help but appreciate the logic of 'The Sorta 7 Amendments To The USGA Rules Of Golf'.
When the game has got you down, as it inevitably will, 'The Sorta 7' can be a beacon in the darkness. If you just can't seem to break 90 no matter what you do, go play a Sorta Round or two and see how great it will make you feel. And as far as being unfair, I don't see a problem as long as you're alone or with a group who are also following the same rules. It's all fair for everyone as long as you're in agreement on what the rules are before the round begins.
I think I'm going to support these guys by purchasing my very own SortaBag Tag. I encourage everyone else out there to do the same. Golf is hard enough as it is. Let's at least make sure we have some fun while we're doing it.