Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Well, It's Official

David Duval is back! Heh, thought I was talking about Vijay, didn't you? Nope, I'm more excited about Duval's success than Vijay's. A 14 month absence from making the cut, and basically an even longer absence from the game of golf has finally come to an end as David Duval made his own kind of "Hello, World" statement at the Deutsche Bank Championship this Labor Day.
Duval stated in an interview after making the cut on Saturday that one of his goals was to win once this year. He has never been one to lack confidence, but man, that's a big one! I'm not saying he doesn't have the talent to make it happen, it's just going to be hard to break through all of the other talented players out there who have been living on the tour all the time he has been away. Perhaps a better goal would have been "I want to win again" or "I want to get back to the Ryder Cup" or even "I want to get back to where Vijay is, fighting for World #1".
It's great to see David return to good form. But as we as golfers all know, it can leave you as quickly as you find it. If anyone can do it, I believe Duval can. Good luck, David.