Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Who's Next?

Needless to say, I'm highly disappointed with the outcome of the matches this past weekend. But alas, we must move on.

This article speculates who will be named the captains of the 2006 Ryder Cup teams. Of the choices listed, for the U.S. side, the name that immediately stood out to me was Hale Irwin. He's a great champion, even to this day, and I think he deserves a spot in the rotation. But another name that made an impression to me was Mark O'Meara. Tiger seemed a little more fired up than usual to me at this year's matches, and hopefully with his buddy Mark'O at the helm, that trend would continue.

On the European side, with the domination of the 2004 team, it would be hard not to recommend Bernhard Langar for a repeat performance. My personal choice would be Nick Faldo, although I hear that he's not as popular across the pond as one would assume.

I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Congrats to the European team, by the way. They played a great match.