Friday, July 22, 2005

Dreams Are Weird

So I had this dream last night. It started our like your normal, run of the mill end of the world dream. There was this big war going on and my family and I were running around scared to death, trying to figure out what we could do to survive armageddon. We tried hiding underground, bit that didn't work. Then for some reason, we tried hiding in a cave that was built into the side of a cliff. That didn't work either.

So we decided to try to catch a ride on this spaceship that we learned was leaving Earth, headed to find another suitable planet for the human race. For some reason, none of us were surprised to learn that we had a spaceship worthy of hopping from planet to planet.

Anyway, here's the really weird part. Once we found a planet (which we gave a really cool name, but I can't remember it at the moment), I was chilling out on the surface, checking out the purple grass, talking to Luke Skywalker, when I learned that... get ready for this.. Jack Nicklaus is Luke Skywalker's father.

Now, before all the Golden Bear fans out there go off on me, I'm not saying that Jack was Darth Vader. To the contrary. Luke wasn't even a Jedi Knight. He was a golfer, and a damn good one. The next big thing even. Jack was busy designing courses for our new planet (which had green grass, strangely), while his son Luke was dominating the interstellar PGA.

I played golf in unseasonably hot weather yesterday. I think it got to me more than I thought it did.