Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Nerd Post Of The Day

Personally, I thought Enterprise was a great show, but apparently most of the world didn't agree with me. Over on TrekWeb they're reporting that a "panel of experts" (does that sound a little weird to anyone but me?) stated that the reason Enterprise didn't cut it was because it wasn't as gritty as the new Battlestar Galactica.

While I agree that the new Treks (not just Enterprise) had strayed from the original premise of the morality play and had turned into more sci-fi than story, I don't agree with that being the reason it failed. I'm by no means a Star Trek "expert", but my opinion on why Enterprise failed is a lot simpler: Everyone was just tired of the whole Star Trek universe by the time Enterprise came along.

Rant over. We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.