Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Want Myself A Mac Mini

Well, actually I'd like to have a "big time" Mac, a "grown up" Mac, or whatever it should be called. The problem is, I can't afford one. But the Mac Mini is something I think I could swing, as long as my credit card company agreed with me.

I've been shopping for one on eBay for about 3 weeks now, but unfortunately I'm having trouble finding someone who's willing to agree with me on what I want to pay.

Why do I want a Mac? Heck, I don't know. Why do I want anything that I want? No reason, really. I just want it. I've been hearing about how great they are for a while now, and I guess I'd just like to find out for myself. Also, as mentioned earlier, I'm sick and tired of spyware, viruses and the like.

Trouble is, I don't know anything about Macs. I don't know what to look for in regards to processor speed, RAM and those types of things. As with Windows-based PC's, I assume bigger is better, but other than that, I'm clueless. I looked at the low-end Mac Mini at Best Buy the other day, and it felt kind of slow to me. I went back a few days later and they had the 1.42 Ghz model out and it seemed a lot better. Was it $100 better though? I don't know.

Anyway, if anyone out there has any knowledge they'd like to share, feel free.


Erik J. Barzeski said...

Feel free to get in touch with me. I can help you out. I used to work for Apple, wrote software for 'em, etc. I'll get you straightened out. :-)